American Express
Scalable Kiosk
What kind of digital interface can encourage in-person local shopping as well as offering an occasion for urban exploration?
Focusing on geographical reference and personal preference indicators, the kiosk taps into a database of merchants and products to encourage in-person shopping experiences
Working with HUSH, we used the structural design principles of boutique retail and the bold interactivity of enjoyable digital experiences to create a scalable centralized kiosk that generates awareness for local shops and their unique products through exploration and interaction.
We further incentivized action with a customized printed guide containing one’s wish-list and geo-tagged city map, connecting the curious customer to the community of American Express’ hard-to-find, local vendors.
The fully-contained, interactive retail product was designed for diverse footprint scales and can be quickly activated in any location across markets.
– Produced at HUSH with Barrel, Amex – Role: Experience Design Lead